From Multiple Writers
The Wetzel County Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement reads in part:
The Wetzel County Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary partnership of business and professional people working together to build a healthy economy and to improve the quality of life in Wetzel County.
As the Chamber works to improve the community’s economy and quality of life, members keep these broad objectives in mind:
…Encourage an orderly expansion and development of all segments of the County.
…Contribute to the overall economic stability of the County.
The Wetzel County Chamber of Commerce Award Dinner will be held April 30 at the Mollohan Center at 5:30 p.m. Members and non-members are encouraged to attend.
This letter is to inform the general public that the banquet dinner that evening will be catered by a business from Marshall County.
So much for the Wetzel County Chamber of Commerce “Buy Local Now” campaign.
In all fairness, the reason the board voted to select this business was because they felt it would be a fiscally responsible procedure as stewards of the organization’s funds. Being fiscally responsible of the funds makes it sound as though this dinner is being funded through the Chamber’s treasury when, in fact, each member will pay $20 and every non-member will pay $25 to attend this affair.
Shame on the Wetzel County Chamber of Commerce. Shame on you for failing to select a caterer from Wetzel County, one that no doubt contributes thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars every year to this county by patronizing local businesses such as grocery stores, hardware stores, and even appliance and carpet stores.
“Buy local now”…How about practicing what you preach, or maybe the Board of Directors could become members of the Marshall County Chamber Commerce?
Nick Facci
Rick Rutter
Bill Talkington
J. Wells Eakin
John Beaver
Joe Wells
Bryan Wilson
Steve Bohrer
Jim Fitzsimmons