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Two Plead Guilty In Connected Cases

By Staff | Apr 8, 2009

Two women pleaded guilty in Wetzel County Circuit Court on April 3 to charges of battery.

Kady L. Keener, 23, of Moundsvillle, was allegedly entered Tisha M. Crites’ dwelling at Valley Manor Apartments in Pine Grove on Dec. 6, 2008, with the intent to commit a crime.

Keener pleaded guilty to the third, and final, count of her indictment. She was also charged with felony nighttime burglary and misdemeanor destruction of property.

Judge David W. Hummel Jr. asked Keener, “What makes you think you are guilty of battery?” Keener replied, “I punched her (Crites).”

Prosecutor Tim Haught dismissed counts one and two, citing that in previous statements, Crites forgot to mention a male witness in her apartment that night who opened the door for Kady Keener to gain entrance inside.

Hummel told the court he accepted her plea and she was to serve 120 days in the Norther Regional Jail, but since she has already served 120 days Hummel told her sentence was already served and she was to pay restitution of $120 to the Circuit Clerk’s office and to have no contact with the victim.

Lynsey Brook Erb, 21, of HC 60 Box 70, Pine Grove, also pleaded guilty to battery, the third charge of an identical three-count indictment against her.

Haught told the court how Erb did struck the victim in the head and the neck and left bruising.

Judge Hummel did ask Prosecutor Haught what was the root of why this happened, (meaning Keener and Erb both in court).

Haught went on to say this was all over a boyfriend and jealousy.

Hummel accepted the guilty plea to count three battery and asked Probation Officer John Lantz to have a pre-sentencing report to be completed by April 16. Hummel told Erb she is to report back to court on April 22 at 11:15 a.m. and she is still under bond with all the terms and conditions.

Also appearing before Judge Hummel was Cynthia Longwell Nottingham, 34, of New Martinsville.

She is currently incarcerated in the Northern Regional Jail on a motion to revoke her probation.

Her attorney, Roger Weese, said she is maintaining her innocence in another court case in Marshall County, but has yet to have a hearing scheduled.

Prosecutor Haught told the court that charges have been filed. Hummel scheduled her to return to Wetzel County Circuit Court on April 22 10:15 a.m.

James D. Law, 23, of Littleton, entered into a plea agreement, pleading guilty to one information count of burglary.

Hummel asked Law, “What did you do?” Law responded by saying he was present at the time of a burglary, but he did not go into the home nor did he do anything to stop it. Law told the court, “I was present when it happened.”

Judge Hummel explained in detail to Law what will happen if he pleads guilty and asked if he understood. Law told the court he still wanted to plead guilty and understood.

Hummel told him two other charges were being dismissed, but he is guilty of count one of burglary and he sentenced him to the West Virginia Penitentiary for Men for no less than one year and no more than 15 years with credit for time of 49 days served at the Northern Regional Jail.

Josh T. Good, 24, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was also in court on a motion to revoke his probation. Haught pointed out to the court that he has other charges pending in Ohio. Hummel appointed a public defender for him and scheduled a hearing for April 22 at 10:15 a.m.