Cecil Pleads Guilty
In court April 1 was Steven M. Cecil, 48, of 28 Rose St., Lot 36 South, New Martinsville, who was charged with one count of felony malicious assault in that on Aug. 30, 2008, he allegedly caused bodily injury to John M. Weaver with the intent to main, disfigure, disable, or kill Weaver by striking him with his hand and by kicking him.
Cecil entered a plea of guilty to unlawful assault. The count to which he pleaded guilty was a lesser offense included in his original indictment on Jan. 13 on felony malicious assault.
Cecil did have a previous not guilty plea, but Hummel granted a motion to withdrawal that plea. Hummel explained in detail to Cecil that since he is entering a guilty plea that there will not be no trial.
Prosecutor Tim Haught told the court that on Aug. 30, 2008, at the AAA trailer court in New Martinsville, the victim, John Weaver, was outside video taping around the trailer park. He was approached by individuals and was attacked by Cecil. His eye glasses and video camera were broken.
Street hit him and kicked him. Street was then transported to Wetzel County Hospital. He was diagnosed with two broken bones in the face and nose area.
Haught went on to explain that Wetzel County Sheriff’s Deputy Randy Adams took a statement from the defendant. Haught said he was satisfied with the plea agreement and the defendant also agreed.
Hummel asked Cecil what happened on that day. Cecil told the court, “I hit him in the face and I kicked him, but I had on flip flops.”
He also explained to the court that during the conflict Weaver’s video camera went back into Weaver’s face. Hummel requested John Lantz, Wetzel and Tyler Probation Officer, prepare a pre-sentencing report ready. He again asked Cecil if his plea was voluntary and of his own free will. Cecil told the court, “Yes.”
Hummel accepted the unlawful assault plea and his sentencing was scheduled for May 1 at 9 a.m.
In other court matters, Keith O. Streets, 31, of P. O. Box 192, Pine Grove, is charged with one felony count of malicious assault alleging that on Aug. 30, 2008, he did cause bodily injury to John M. Weaver with the intent to maim, disfigure, or kill him by striking him with his hand and by kicking him.
Prosecutor Haught and Attorney White to a continuance for negotiations because discovery was not completed on White’s part.
Judge Hummel told he court he will not grant a continuance based on negotiations and discovery matters. He stated it is no fault on either party and set a pre-trial date of April 22 at 11 a.m.