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Spring Clean-Up Dates Set

By Staff | Mar 18, 2009

New Martinsville Council March 2 approved the following 2009 spring clean-up schedule:

April 20, east side of Steelton;

April 27, west side of Steelton;

May 4, east side of state Route 2, from North to Williams Run;

May 11, west side of state Route 2, from Fishing Creek to Williams Run;

May 18, Brooklyn.

All items to be picked up should be boxed or bagged and placed at the edge of the resident’s property. No garbage items will be collected. Brush should be tied with rope into bundles that one worker can handle.

Paint cans with the lids removed will be picked up. However, in addition to wet paint and garbage items, the following items will not be accepted: refrigerators, tires, liquids of any kind, and batteries.

Residents should place items at the edge of their property on the Sunday evening before the scheduled pick up date. Pick ups will start early and there will be no second calls in an area.