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Mary Martin

By Staff | Mar 18, 2009

I am writing in regards to the Basketball game that was played in Ravenswood on March 11 at Ravenswood. I have two teenage boys and know how kids can be, but the behavior and language of the Magnolia students section was terrible. At one point, a police officer escorted some of the students out of the building. Another time, one of the Magnolia students came to the Ravenswood parents side which is also behind the Ravenswood players, and started to yell obscenities.

He also continued to yell at the players as they were having at time-out. At this point, someone escorted him back to the Magnolia section. I know that kids will be kids, but if I lived or had anything to do with Magnolia High School, I would be ashamed and embarrassed. I hope that we never have to play your school again because the experience was nothing I hope to do again.

Mary Martin
