Clerk Reports Copy Increase
County Clerk Carol Haught reported to the county commission March 10 that she has had to use the general funding account money to help with cost of hiring two temporary employees, with no benefits, just to help make copies in the courthouse. These are copies being made all week by the many mineral rights researching people in the courthouse now. She feels there will only be an increase of copies made in the future.
Haught explained this is beyond her control and she had to hire these employees so that other courthouse employees are not taken away from their duties to make copies for these people.
With this information she presented to the commission, she requested an increase of money of $4,306 in her budget to get through the fiscal year. Commission Vice President Bob Gorby suggested an amount of $5,000, so extra funds would be there if needed to use. The commission voted on and approved a $5,000 increase. Haught thanked the commissioners and explained that any money not used will be left in the general funding account.
She also informed the council the CSSI Computer Server warranty of two years for parts and labor needs to be renewed for a cost of $1,378.22 for the County Clerk and Assessor’s Office. The commission voted and passed the renewal cost of this warranty.
The Wetzel County Commission meets every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the commission quarters next to the courthouse. These meetings are open to the public.