Edgell Named Majority Whip

Senator Larry J. Edgell
West Virginia State Senator Larry J. Edgell, D- Wetzel, has been appointed to serve as the Senate Majority Whip. This prestigious leadership position calls for the Northern Panhandle lawmaker to communicate positions of the majority, to gather votes on major issues and to ensure votes on quorum calls.
“Sen. Larry Edgell has already made a significant contribution to the people of West Virginia through his distinguished service as the Senator from Wetzel County, service which will render even greater rewards as a member of my Senate Leadership team as Senate Whip,” said West Virginia Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin, D-Logan.
“Sen. Edgell replaces Wyoming Senator Billy Wayne Bailey, who held the post for 14 years and chose to run for another office.
Sen. Edgell will bring strong organizational skills, which he brought with him from his classroom teaching experiences; a keen working knowledge of the Senate’s operation and rules and a talented listener who can work to fulfill the needs and transmit the opinions of every member on every issue-in short he is a good vote counter, which is of invaluable assistance to any Senate President.
“I am not only happy to have him on my staff, but also look forward to his help and input in the months and years ahead as we work to make West Virginia a better place to work and live,” said Senate President Tomblin.
Edgell was initially elected to the Upper Chamber in 1998 and has served the Second Senate District continuously for 11 years.
As well as holding his position as Majority Whip during the 79th Legislature, Edgell presently is the Vice Chairman of the Senate Pensions Committee and is a member of the Finance, Education, Military and Natural Resources committees.
“I am exceedingly honored to be appointed as Senate Majority Whip,” Edgell said. “I have no doubt the nation’s economy will impact many of the decisions made in the Senate. I plan to work very hard to guarantee all individuals will be kept well informed regarding the ramifications of our actions relative to the betterment of the state.”
Born in Hundred, Edgell is the son of the late John W. and Edith Hostutler Edgell. He received a B.A. in Education from Fairmont State College and his Masters degree from Salem Teikyo University. He also served in the US. Navy from 1966-1970.
Representing Marshall, Wetzel, Calhoun,Tyler, Doddridge, Ritchie, and parts of Ohio, Marion, and Monongalia counties, the New Martinsville resident is married to Cecilia Herrick Edgell and is the father of son Josh and daughter Eva.
In addition to his appointments on legislative standing committees, during the Interim meetings conducted throughout the year, Edgell also serves as Chairman of the Agriculture and Agri-Business Committee and the Vice Chairman of the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability.
He also is a member on the Interim committees of the Joint Standing Committee on Finance, the Joint Standing Committee on Education, the Joint Standing Committee on Pensions and Retirement, and the Higher Education Capital Project and Facilities Committee.
His subcommittees include the Interim Education Subcommittee C which reviews issues relative to public school finance, Education Subcommittee A-dealing with Public Education and
Education Subcommittee B-addressing higher education issues.
He also is a member of Finance Subcommittee C which studied the future of the West Virginia State Road Fund, the allocation of special contributions to Other Public Employee Benefits (OPEB) Trust/Local Government Issues, the Advantra Freedom Performance, and other issues relative to pensions of state, county, and city employees.
Rounding out the Interim study assignments given to Edgell is the inclusion of membership on Select Committee A which is the Committee on Children, Juveniles and Other Issues.