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Annual Sale Raises Over $43,000

By Staff | Mar 11, 2009

Kenny Mason of Drilling Appalachian Corporation purchased the 22.5 pound grand champion ham from Jonathan Mason for $155 per pound, or $3,487.50, at the 41st annual 4-H/FFA Ham and Bacon Show Friday.

The 41st annual 4-H/FFA Ham and Bacon show held Friday evening brought in a total of $43,244.88. Of that amount, $5,920 went to the Paul Henderson Memorial Scholarship Fund and $37,324.88 went directly to the exhibiting students.

The 22.5-pound grand champion ham exhibited by Jonathan Mason was purchased by Drilling Appalachian Corporation purchased for $155 per pound, or $3,487.50.

The 8.25-pound grand champion bacon from Ethan Koontz was sold to Wetzel County Commissioner Scott Lemley for $175 per pound, or $1,443.75.

Heather Goodrich exhibited the grand champion eggs and sold them to Chesapeake Energy for $1,500.

The 24-pound reserve champion ham exhibited by Ethan Koontz was sold to Trans Energy for $44 per pound, or $1,056.

Wetzel County Commissioner Scott Lemley bought the grand champion bacon from Ethan Koontz for $175 per pound, or $1,443.75. The show was held at the Mollohan Center on the Wetzel County 4-H Grounds.

Lyndsey Sell sold her 7.25-pound reserve champion bacon to Chesapeake Energy for $100 per pound, or $725.

The reserve champion eggs exhibited by Ryan Lemley were purchased for $1,500 by Miss Blue’s Restaurant.

Also, The Wileyville Volunteer Fire Department paid $2,000 for the scholarship ham donated by Santoro Genetics Swine Farm.

The scholarship bacon, donated by Palmer Funeral Home, was sold to Drilling Appalachian Corporation.

Maxine Henderson bought the special edition FFA Carhartt jacket for $1,000.

Heather Goodrich sold her grand champion eggs to Chesapeake Energy, represented by Amy Dobkin, for $1,500.

Those students were with items to sell were Tjuana Bassett, Tiana Abergg, Samatha Thomas, Melanie Thomas, JoDana Simpson, Lyndsey Sell, Ryan Lemely, Rachel Wyatt, Phillip Dennison, Phillip Bassett, Patrick McGraw, Nathan Arnolds, Mitch Moore, Michael Hornbeck, Jonathan Mason, Madison Arnolds, Lyndsay Sell, Minday Lemley, Ryan Lemely, Lauren Ueltschy, Kyle Fluharty, Dalton Kuhn, Chelsea Kuhn, Krista Hayes, Ethan Koontz, Brady Koontz, Nikkie Kolojay, Corey Kimble, Kevin Carson, Nathen Kernan, Kelsey Adams, Kelly Fluharty, Josh Hornbeck, Ashley Jones, Joanathan Mason, Jenessa Kinkade, Jared Arnolds, Jackie Greathouse, Annaliese Henderson, Brittany Greathouse, Aubrey Greathouse, Jordyn Gorby, Jesse Gorby, Heather Goodrich, David Sivert, Dani Hayes, Chuck Cunningham, Nancy Cumberledge, Cassie Crihfield, Cody Basset, Clay Ueltschy, Casandra Henderson, Lindsay Burley, Katelyn Blair, Billy Streets, Becky Coen, Courtney Baker, Ava Morris, Rachel Ascraft, Alyssa Kinkade, and Chelsea Coen.

The purchasers included Kevin Ingold, Town and Country Days; David Morris; Dr. Wilbur Sine; Sheila Fordyce; Bill Knowlton, Bell Chevrolet; Perkins Supply; WesBanco; Ken and Pat Parrish; Jack Hayes; Valley Diner; Sharon Dulaney, Wetzel County Circuit Clerk; Miss Blue’s Restaurant Inc.; Tina Adams, McDiffit Pipe; Pine Grove Sportsman’s Club; Brad Ueltschey; Down the Lane Craft Store; American Legion #81; Simons Market; Weldon’s Office Supplies; Williams Funeral Home; American Legion Post 120; Virgil Wilkins; Logan Hassig; Tennant Funeral Home; Billy Arnolds Excavating Equipment; Dallison Lumber; Mike Coen Logging; Clyde Quinn; Wileyville Auction House; Wetzel County Chapter National Turkey Federation; Maxine Henderson; Wetzel County Hospital; Mason’s Depot; Wileyville Fire Department; Dominion Transmission; Union Bank; Drilling Appalachian Corporation; First Exchange Bank; Witschey’s Market; Scott Lemely, County Commissioner; Norris Pharmacy; Dick and Janie Dallison, Dallison Logging; Palmer Funeral Home; Beverly Feed & Equipment; Amy Dobkin, Chesapeake Energy; Hundred Farm Supply; Hundred Insurance; Bill Anderson; Ace Hardware; Terry Dent; McDonald’s; TransEnergy; Steve Steele; Jack Hayes; Terrell Greathouse; and Stephanie Stevens.

Maxine Henderson won the high bid, $1,000, for the special edition FFA Carhartt jacket. She is represented by, from left, Cassandra, Linda, and Howard Henderson. Auctioneer Ron Morrison is pictured at right.