PSC Will Hold Hearing
The Public Service Commission will hold a public hearing at 10 a.m. March 14 at the Hundred town hall in regards to a proposed water rate increase for the Hundred Littleton Public Service District.
PSC Staff is recommending a $17.20 per month water rate increase for a residential customer using the statewide average of 4,000 gallons per month. That would bring the total monthly charge for that volume to $63.80, which would be the sixth highest rate in the state among 425 water utilities.
They are not recommending an increase in sewer rates as they were increased by 62 percent in December 2008. The PSC Staff does, however, recommend changes in the district’s incidental charges, such as tap fees, reconnection fees, and security deposits.
In addition to announcing that hearing, Hundred town council in its Feb. 16 meeting agreed to pay for an evaluation of the old grade school site to see if it contains asbestos and how it needs to be removed. It is estimated that such an evaluation will cost $2,300, but Councilman Phil Lightner suggested the town can borrow that amount and pay it back before the next set of city leaders take office by using proceeds from the city’s gaming income of approximately $900 per month.
“I think it’s an excellent idea,” said Councilwoman Johanna Lemasters.
The town’s election will take place June 9 with those elected taking office on July 1. All elected city positions are up for grabs: mayor, recorder, and five council seats. The filing deadline is in May.
In another matter, the city plans to replace its sidewalks on the west side of W.Va. 250 between Union Bank and Jean’s Country Florist. The city has received a $7,000 Community Partnership Grant for that purpose for fiscal year 2008 and will receive another one for fiscal year 2009, thanks to the efforts of Del. Dave Pethtel (D-Wetzel), Sen. Larry Edgell (D-Wetzel), and Sen. Jeff Kessler (D-Marshall). The city is required to match them with $1,000.
The project is currently out for bid, but Lightner said one contractor estimated the job would cost about $28,000. “Half is better than nothing,” he said. He also said that the identified project is 1,300 feet long, but the southern 300 feet are in better shape.
Finally, Mayor Charles Sine said he would call the Department of Highways and ask them to do another survey to see if the amount of traffic warrants a full signal light on W.Va. 250 where traffic currently sees a flashing caution light. The group agreed that truck traffic has increased and a red light would be helpful.