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PSD Takes First Step Toward Whiteman Waterline Extension

By Staff | Feb 4, 2009

Wetzel County Public Service District 1 Board Members Donald Sweeney, treasurer; Forrest Tennant, chairman; and Bonnie Brown, secretary; are hoping the next project the PSD can undertake is a waterline extension to the Whiteman Hill, Chiselfinger Ridge, State Run, Eight Mile Ridge, and Richwood Run areas. The PSD recently completed the expansion of their office in Reader and held an open house for the facility in December. The office project was completed primarily by PSD employees. (Photo by Amy Witschey)

Wetzel County Public Service District 1 has taken the first step toward a proposed waterline extension project.

According to N. Keith Nelsen, district manager, obtaining engineering services is the first step in the process.

“We just completed a project, and this is a brand new project,” Nelsen said. “We try to start a new project when one finishes. Everything right now is in very preliminary stages.”

He said the waterline extensions would provide water to between 100 and 150 homes and extend lines eight to 10 miles along Whiteman Hill, Chiselfinger Ridge, State Run, Eight Mile Ridge, and Richwood Run.

“These are still very rough numbers,” he stressed.

Nelsen said the project would probably cost about $3.5 million and noted funding would come from various sources including grants and loans.

“We haven’t even asked for it yet,” he said, noting the district has never had trouble obtaining such funds in the past.

“This is my fourth project,” Nelsen said. “So far, all have gone as planned. We’re hoping the new infrastructure package proposed by President Barack Obama will help. We don’t know what that’s going to be yet, but we need to be ready.

“We always try to be ready so when funding becomes available we can jump right in.

“Projects like this usually take three to five years to complete,” he continued. “It’s a process. We’re planning ahead.”

Once started, actual construction on projects like this usually takes about one year.

Other possible funding sources for the project include the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program, the Appalachian Regional Commission, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection-Abandoned Mine Land, West Virginia Water Development Authority, Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Loan Fund, West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council and local sources.