Go Red
All of us with e-mail accounts receive letters encouraging us to take part in various “campaigns” from time to time. Honestly, I usually hit delete without even reading very far, assuming there really isn’t such a thing as “Best Friends Day”, etc., or if there was, it probably was three months earlier and this is an e-mail that has taken on a life of its own.
But recently I received an e-mail encouraging me to Go Red For Women in support of the fight against heart disease in women. I know this one is true because I have heard of it on a national basis before and because it came from a friend of mine who, shockingly, had a heart attack in November.
You see, this friend appears to be in fine health. She has even lost a good bit of weight in the past few years. Yet she had a heart attack and the doctors say it was solely because of stress. That hits home for me because I know that I am the epitome of the saying, “I can’t relax because stress is holding me together!”
This Friday, I encourage you to wear red and check out www.goredforwomen.org to get some great information and tips to keep your heart healthy. I too will peruse the site some more, try to adopt some of the practices listed there, and try my best to relax. I don’t want to be a statistic of the number one killer of women.