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WCH Employees Give To The United Way

By Staff | Jan 28, 2009

George Smoulder, executive director of the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley; accepts a check from Jodi Franklin, WCH Lab Manager, and George Couch, WCH Chief Executive Officer.

Wetzel County Hospital employees recently presented checks totaling $1,038 to George Smolder, executive director of the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley, for their 2008 payroll withholding and direct contributions.

The United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley annually serves thousands of people in Wetzel, Tyler, Monroe, and Marshall counties in its distribution of funds to various agencies and organizations.

“We know giving was difficult for some companies and individuals this year, which makes the increased contributions by Wetzel County Hospital employees even more meaningful for those people in our community who are struggling and truly in need of United Way agency services,” said George Couch, Wetzel County Hospital Chief Executive Officer.

More than 90 percent of the United Way’s funds are returned to community organizations, which assures that the funds donated are put to good use in the New Martinsville area, as well as throughout the Ohio Valley.

Wetzel County Hospital is a licensed and accredited, 68-bed facility, offering comprehensive acute care inpatient, outpatient services, emergency department, and transitional care unit.