Grand Jury Returns 30 True Bills
Wetzel County grand jurors returned 30 true bills against 15 defendants during the January grand jury session held Jan. 13.
Cody Dylan Riggs, 22, of 2550 Route 4, Isaac Creek Road, Clarksburg, was charged with felony malicious wounding. The true bill alleges that between Sept. 28 and 29 he caused bodily injury to Rebekah Dawn Smith with the intent to maim, disfigure, disable, or kill Smith by stabbing her with a knife and by choking her.
Steven Lee Leek, 42, of 168 Vine St., New Martinsville, received a four-count indictment: felony delivery of a controlled substance (marijuana) and three misdemeanor counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child. All of the alleged events are to have occurred on Nov. 2, 2008. The subject Leek was supposedly delivering marijuana to was under 18 years of age at the time. The misdemeanor counts were for allegedly providing non-intoxicating beer to a 10-year-old and an eleven-year-old child, and also for allegedly providing marijuana to an eleven-year-old child.
Joseph Steven White, 27, of 326 North Seventh Ave., Paden City, was charged with felony driving under the influence of alcohol, third offense. He allegedly drove a motor vehicle on W.Va. 2 near New Martinsville while under the influence of alcohol. White was previously convicted for the offense of DUI in Wetzel County Magistrate Court on Nov. 21, 2000, and Feb. 28, 2007.
White appeared in Wetzel County Circuit Court Jan. 21 and entered an innocent plea to the charge. Defense Attorney Kevin Neiswonger indicated White will retain different counsel and apply for a public defender. He is to return to court on Feb. 6 at 10 a.m.
John Edward Wright III, 28, of 609 East Main St., Mannington, W.Va., was given a two-count indictment for felony DUI, third or subsequent offense, and the misdemeanor offense of driving while license revoked for DUI, second offense. On Nov. 15, 2008, Wright allegedly drove a motor vehicle on W.Va. 7 near Burton while under the influence of alcohol and while his license was revoked for DUI. He was previously convicted of DUI in Marion County Magistrate Court on Feb. 4, 2003; May 23, 2003; and Nov. 23, 2005. On Nov. 23, 2005, Wright was convicted of driving on a license suspended for DUI in Marion County Magistrate Court.
Derek Paul Cisar, 28, of 36 East Thistle Dr., New Martinsville, was handed a two-count indictment. Both counts are for felony malicious assault in that he did allegedly maliciously shoot, stab, cut, or wound any person, or by any means cause him bodily injury with the intent to maim, disfigure, disable, or kill. Both counts allegedly took place on Oct. 22, 2008-the first to James Stacy Anderson and the second to Mark M. Mullett.
Tiffany R. Morgan, 18, of HC 60 Box 70, Pine Grove, was charged with two counts: felony nighttime burglary and misdemeanor destruction of property. On Dec. 6, 2008, Morgan allegedly, in the nighttime, entered without breaking into the dwelling of Tisha M. Crites located at Valley Manor Apartments in Pine Grove with the intent to commit a felony or larceny therein. Count two, destruction of property, alleges that she destroyed or defaced personal property belonging to another by breaking the door frame and strike plate to the back door of an apartment occupied by Crites, Valley Manor Apartments, Pine Grove.
Kady L. Keanor, 23, of 146 Pearl St., Moundsville, received a related three-count indictment. All three offenses were to have occurred on or about Dec. 6, 2008. Count one was for felony nighttime burglary alleging that she did, in the nighttime, enter without breaking into the dwelling of Tisha M. Crites located at Valley Manor Apartments in Pine Grove with the intent to commit a crime therein. Count two, misdemeanor destruction of property, alleges that she destroyed or defaced personal property belonging to another by breaking the door frame and strike plate to the back door of an apartment occupied by Crites, Valley Manor Apartments, Pine Grove. Count three, misdemeanor battery, alleges that Keanor caused physical harm to Crites by striking Crites with her hand.
Lynsey Brook Erb, 21, of HC 60 Box 70, Pine Grove, received an identical three-count indictment. All three offenses were to have occurred on or about Dec. 6, 2008. Count one was for felony nighttime burglary alleging that he did, in the nighttime, enter without breaking into the dwelling of Tisha M. Crites located at Valley Manor Apartments in Pine Grove with the intent to commit a crime therein. Count two, misdemeanor destruction of property, alleges that she destroyed or defaced personal property belonging to another by breaking the door frame and strike plate to the back door of an apartment occupied by Crites, Valley Manor Apartments, Pine Grove. Count three, misdemeanor battery, alleges that Erb caused physical harm to Crites by striking Crites with her hand.
Mitchell Lee Erb, 22, of 1004 Grandview Ave., New Matamoras, received two indictments from the grand jury for a total of five counts. In the first indictment Mitchell Erb was charged with three counts to have occurred on or about Nov. 26, 2008. Count one was for felony nighttime burglary alleging that he entered without breaking into the dwelling of Jonathan Dotson and Joseph Lasure, located on Piney Ridge Road near Reader with the intent to commit a crime therein. Count two, misdemeanor battery, alleges that Mitchell Erb made physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with the person of Lasure with his hand. Count three, misdemeanor battery, alleges the same thing to Dotson.
The second indictment against Mitchell Erb alleges that on Dec. 6, 2008, he did commit the felony of nighttime burglary (count one) by entering the residence of Ronald A. Morgan Sr. located near Pine Grove with the intent to commit a felony or larceny therein. The second count, felony grand larceny, alleges that Mitchell Erb did steal, take, and carry away a 1995 Ford Explorer having a value of more than $1,000 belonging to Deborah J. Morgan with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of said motor vehicle.
Steven M. Cecil, 48, of 28 Rose St., Lot 36 South, was charged with one count of felony malicious assault in that on Aug. 30, 2008, he allegedly caused bodily injury to John M. Weaver with the intent to main, disfigure, disable, or kill Weaver by striking him with his hand and by kicking him.
Steven M. Cecil Jr., 29, of 28 Rose St., Lot 31 South, was charged with one count of felony malicious assault in that on Aug. 30, 2008, he allegedly caused bodily injury to John M. Weaver with the intent to main, disfigure, disable, or kill Waver by striking him with his hand and by kicking him.
Keith O. Streets, 31, of P. O. Box 192, Pine Grove, is charged with one felony count of malicious assault alleging that on Aug. 30, 2008, he did cause bodily injury to John M. Weaver with the intent to maim, disfigure, or kill him by striking him with his hand and by kicking him.
Joshua Lee Adams, 20, of P. O. Box 57, Jacksonburg, is charged with one count of felony possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) with intent to deliver. It alleges that on Dec. 28 Adams possessed marijuana, a Schedule I controlled substance, in Wetzel County with the intent to deliver it.
Rick T. Hollenbach, 19, of 32 W. Pitt St., Canonsburg, Pa., was handed a three-count indictment: felony entry of a building other than a dwelling, misdemeanor petit larceny, and misdemeanor fleeing from a law enforcement officer. On Dec. 31, 2008, he allegedly entered Morris Grocery in Wileyville with the intent to commit a larceny therein; unlawfully steal, take, and carry away cases of Milwaukee’s Best beer having a value of less than $1,000 and belonging to the owner of Morris Grocery; and flee on foot from Deputy Randy G. Adams who was acting in his official capacity as a deputy with the Wetzel County Sheriff’s Office and who was, in fact, placing the said Rick T. Hollenbach under arrest.
Fred Leslie Kirk, 39, of 168 Vine St., New Martinsville, was charged with one felony count of failure to register as a sex offender as he allegedly failed to report in the month of his birth (October) to the State Police detachment in his county of registration.