Board Carry Over Funds Will Support Salaries
The Wetzel County Board of Education Jan. 19 approved $499,117 in unrestricted carry over funds from the last school year, some of which will pay salaries of service workers whose numbers exceed that allowable under the legislative school aid formula.
School System Treasurer Jeff Lancaster said that some $100,000 will go to this year’s expenditures for special education services such as physical and occupational therapy and audiology. Other funding will help pay for new bleachers at Short Line School, child nutrition, and elementary school libraries.
Lancaster also reported receipt of several supplemental federal grants for the Reading First program at SLS, a program for high-risk special education students, and $7,500 for a Parent Educational Resource Center.
Director of Special Education Deborah Novotony said the center will be designed to “strengthen home to school partnerships” by forming teams of special education students, their parents, and a special education teacher to address parenting skills, problem-solving, behavioral management, and other topics that will enhance home learning.
Novotony said she hopes to have the program running in mid-February at the Wetzel County Center for Children and Families on W.Va. 7, never the 4-H Campgrounds.
The board also approved expenditures totaling $70,801 for a wireless lift system for the school bus garage and a new HVAC system in the kitchen area of Magnolia High School.
In addition, the board voted to permit the school system to participate in the West Virginia ONE Card program available from the state auditor’s office.
The program, detailed at an earlier board meeting by representatives of the auditor’s office, offers to streamline the purchasing process, reduce costs, and provide a money-back feature at certain usage thresholds.
County Superintendent Bill Jones said a policy on the card’s use would be developed gradually. However, one application of the card likely would be in paying the worker compensation insurance premiums.
The board also acted on several personnel matters, including approval of the retirements of Carol S. Gorby as a cook at Paden City Elementary School and of Carolyn S. Zeppuhar as second grade teacher at New Martinsville School. Both retirements are effective June 30.
The resignation of Rhonda Y. Fiest was accepted from her positions as girls’ and boys’ tennis coach at MHS and as volleyball coach at Paden City High School. The resignations are effective immediately.