Board Honors Magnolia Teams For Successes
The Wetzel County Board of Education Dec. 15 held its last regular meeting of the year at Magnolia High School in recognition of the state championship level of achievement of its football and cheerleading teams, who were present.
County Superintendent of Schools Bill Jones introduced the teams as “The finest athletes in West Virginia,” and Board President Mike Blair thanked them for “one whale of a ride.” Board Vice President Bob Patterson praised them for having “exceeded everyone’s expectations.”
But the accolades on the schools didn’t stop there. Wetzel County Relay For Life Chair Judy Pastilong presented the board with a plaque in recognition of participation by 100 percent of county schools, which raised $14,000 of the Relay’s objective of $78,000, which it exceeded.
Magnolia High School, which alone raised $4,600, also received a travelling award that is presented to a different school each year.
Elsewhere, the board authorized an expenditure of $47,500 for materials to improve the safety and security at MHS from state funds allocated to the county for that purpose. Director of Ancillary Services Brian Jones said entrances to all schools in the county will be similarly upgraded with available state funds.
Treasurer Jeff Lancaster reported a $7,500 grant has been received from the Benedum Foundation for technological upgrades at New Martinsville School.
In addition, Lancaster reported state funding of $2,835 to pay for teacher training and to pay substitute wages for the teachers who attend training. The county also has received a $37,000 legislative allocation that will be distributed to all schools.
The board approved the second and final reading of an employee uniform policy that will save the school system some $30,000 over its current contract. It also, more precisely, focuses on the types and numbers of uniforms for employees, based on their job classification.
Board Member Amy Dieffenbauch, whose husband is an employee covered by the policy, did much of the research and contact work required to implement the cost savings and policy improvements.
The board accepted the resignation of Julie L. Sturgill from her position as alternative education teacher at Short Line School and Valley High School. Sturgill also resigned at countywide MI/LD/BD teacher based at SLS.
Meanwhile, the board approved the employment of Michael S. Shank as countywide non-certified substitute teacher and the employment of Sandra Greathouse as a halftime cook II at Long Drain School. Greathouse retains her status as halftime substitute cook. James S. Hill also was approved a countywide substitute custodian.
The board approved contracted services for Dawn L. West as SAT coordinator at LDS, effective Dec. 16. The board also changed an unpaid leave of absence for Emily A. McGuire to a medical leave of absence, depleting all of her personal leave days. She is expected to return to work Jan. 12, 2009.
Six persons were added to New Martinsville School’s list of approved chaperones/volunteers for the 2008-09 school year: Holly Demarco, Marsha Christine Hamrick, Michael Keith Hamrick, Minnie R. McNally, Faye R. Young and Stevie R. Young.
The board approved an out-of-state trip request from Steven W. Jones to take Paden City High School Band members in grades 7-12 to Historic Williamsburg, Va. April 25-27, 2009. The trip will be funded by the Paden City Band Patrons and student fees.
Also approved was a request from parent Maria A. Smith to send her daughter to Paden City Elementary School for the remainder of the school year, pending release from Tyler County Schools.
The board’s next regular meeting was set for Jan. 5, 2009, for a 25-Year Club employee reception beginning at 6:30 p.m., with a regular meeting to follow at 7 p.m.